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Henri Matisse, The Dance, 1909-10, Oil on canvas, 8' 5 5/8" x 12' 9 1/2" | The Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
Are the lines in this work active or inactive?
Are there diagonal lines in this painting?
Are there implied lines in this painting?
Are these shapes or forms?
Can we identify a foreground and a background?
Is there a central figure in this work that is more prominent than the others?
Is there a middle ground in this painting?
Is there a narrative in this work of art? What do you think is happening in this scene?
Is there a sense of balance in this painting?
Is there any negative space in the painting? Where is it?
Is there real depth in this painting?
Is this a horizontal or vertical composition?
Is this a realistic work?
Is this a static of dynamic composition?
Is this a symmetrical or asymmetrical composition?
Is this the depiction of a scene that actually took place?
Is this work monochromatic or polychromatic?
Name three words that express how you feel when looking at this work.
What color is the positive space?   What color is the negative space?
When you look at this work, what does you eye do?
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Henri Matisse, Music, 1910, Oil on canvas, 8' 5 5/8" x 12' 9 1/2" | The Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
Are the lines in this work active or inactive?
Are there diagonal lines in this painting?
Are there implied lines in this painting?
Are these shapes or forms?
Can we identify a foreground and a background?
Is there a central figure in this work that is more prominent than the others?
Is there a middle ground in this painting?
Is there a narrative in this work of art? What do you think is happening in this scene?
Is there a sense of balance in this painting?
Is there any negative space in the painting? Where is it?
Is there real depth in this painting?
Is this a horizontal or vertical composition?
Is this a realistic work?
Is this a static of dynamic composition?
Is this a symmetrical or asymmetrical composition?
Is this the depiction of a scene that actually took place?
Is this work monochromatic or polychromatic?
Name three words that express how you feel when looking at this work.
What color is the positive space?   What color is the negative space?
When you look at this work, what does you eye do?