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The central focus of this curriculum is the constant reference, throughout all projects, to the works of several carefully selected porfessional artists. The selection’s criteria are ingrained into a large context which takes into account cultural values, historical importance within an interdisciplinary dialogue, relevance to the ethnical backgrounds of the student body and availability of the selected artists’ works in local museums and art galleries during the academic year, as well as personal interest shown by students towards particular issues or current affairs which might be art related or otherwise.

Through the contextualization of the works of professional artists the students will develop their own visual vocabulary and expressive language. This relationship is a crucial element in the molding of the students’ young mind in that it exposes them to the thorough understanding of the strategies by which artists produce work of art. Equally important, it connects the students with the current dynamics of the art world, and allows them to feel actively involved in the present; thus eliminating the distancing between classroom and outside world, while creating a direct link between academic studies and real art practice.

Students are led to think abstractly and make connection between concepts. They will recognize that artworks are open to different interpretations, and diverse opinions can be equally valid and true. Furthermore, they will learn that the best analysis of artworks is through debate and exchange of perspectives. Constructive criticism and shared views during in-class roundtables are critical to the continuity of an enduring dialogue that will support the students into their search for their artistic self.

The frameset of this curriculum progressively frees the students from guided support from the teacher in an effort to empower them in the choice of their visual strategies. Lessons are progressively less structured, and the amount of material provided to the students is slowly replaced by an increased demand to initiate research independently, using self-sought resources. Concurrently, less directives will be provided in the execution of their art projects and more emphasis will be placed on the student’s self-analysis and self-criticality of their work.

In the 21st century it is no longer possible to ignore the vital importance that high technology invests in the shaping of the present and future society. Ability to conduct research and proficiency in computer skills are the basic requirements in all professions and lack of the same would be an inexcusable hindrance for all our students. Consequently, this curriculum is heavily dependent on access and use of the internet, and it is the teacher’s responsibility to allocate a rightful amount of class time to be spent in the school computer laboratory to compensate for some students’ inability to access the  internet outside of the school settings.

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